Counselors Campus to Careers Toolkit

For career counselors who guide student veterans
A smiling career counselor is ready to help veterans launch their careers

About Student Veterans

What career counselors need to know

Question 1:

For most veterans, college and employment are “a piece of cake” compared to the hardships and risks of military service.
Answer: False (for the most part)

Though military service is hard, many veterans tell us that transitioning out of the military is harder. Veterans on campus may be experiencing the frustrations of navigating a complex bureaucracy for services and supports, adjusting to a different culture, dealing with family issues, and adjusting to a service-connected disability.

Question 2:

Some colleges have been widely criticized for taking veterans’ GI Bill funds and not providing needed guidance and support services to ensure that student veterans graduate and get a job.
Answer: True

Veteran-appropriate supports, policies, and services are a key part of ensuring that these students can stay in school and transition to successful careers.

Question 3:

On average, veterans are less likely than nonstudent veterans to have childcare responsibilities while attending college.
Answer: False

Student veterans are more likely to have children and a spouse than are traditional college students. So, career counselors need to be prepared to support student veterans in finding and managing childcare services.

Question 4:

Some veterans must deal with relocations and deployments while attending college.
Answer: True

Some veterans may still face significant disruptions related to ongoing service requirements that involve returning to active duty and/or relocating. When this happens, career and academic counselors are needed to find ways to mitigate these disruptions so that the veteran can, as much as possible, graduate and embark on a career.

Question 5:

One-quarter of all veterans will be dealing with a disability while they are in college and transitioning to employment.
Answer: False

Nearly half of Gulf War Era II veterans have a service-connected disability. Tool 2 discusses veterans and disability and is a must-read for career counselors working with student veterans.