
As a college counselor, what you do matters to student veterans. Transitioning from the military to a civilian campus, and from campus life to work life is difficult for many veterans. Your work can be pivotal to their success.


A smiling career counselor is ready to help veterans launch their careers

About Student Veterans

What career counselors need to know

A veteran with a prosthetic arm prepares her career plan

Veterans with Disabilities

Transitioning to employment with a disability

A woman veteran climbs a rock wall overlooking the ocean, illustrating the concept of facing a unique challenge

Women Veterans

Unique needs and challenges

A career counselor focuses intently while arranging colorful sticky notes on a board

Making Sense of It All

Laws, services, and programs that touch student veterans

A veteran with a prosthetic leg is gaining on-the-job experience in a furniture factory and collaborating with two factory employees.

Career Reconnaissance

Supporting veterans in exploring career choices

A student veteran concentrates on filling in the Veteran’s Career Planner Workbook

Making a Plan

Crafting a customized plan for the campus-to-career transition

A career counselor meets with local business leaders

Connecting with Employers

Building bridges for student veterans