Veterans with Disabilities
Transitioning to employment with a disability
Deeper Dive
Advocacy for veterans with disabilities
A comprehensive list of resources for veterans with disabilities. From the American Association of People with Disabilities
ADA Veterans Fact Sheets
Tips, fact sheets, and other resources on employment rights for veterans with disabilities. From the ADA National Network
A Resource Module for Student Veterans with Disabilities in Higher Education
An in-depth look at issues and resources for student veterans with disabilities in higher education. From the George Washington Graduate School of Education and Human Development
The Realities of Hiring People with Disabilities Fact Sheet
Myths and facts around people with disabilities in the workplace. From Virginia Commonwealth University
Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage
Don’t believe the negative hype about employees with disabilities. This 2018 report finds that employees with disabilities benefit the business. From Accenture
Veterans: Understanding Your Employment Rights Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Using an easy question-and-answer format, this web page summarizes the rights of veterans with disabilities in the workplace. From the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Assess Your Needs as a Veteran and as a Student with a Disability
Information for student veterans with disabilities. From Ask Vetsfirst
Insightful blog posts for veteran job seekers with disabilities
Great discussions on searching for a job as a veteran with a disability and browse job openings from employers seeking to hire veterans with disabilities. From GettingHired.com
Statistics on veterans with disabilities
Find data about veterans with disabilities, including employment, disability type, and income data. From Cornell University. Disability Statistics: Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities